Heartbreak isn’t what you think
It’s not an isolated event that only occurs at the termination of a relationship
Heartbreak is prolonged
It’ll make you lose hope in people
In promises
And in love
It occurs in the lies
In the fears that become reality
And in the future that doesn’t exist
It occurs in the happiness they find without you
In memories that now seem a betrayal
And in the words that become unfulfilled promises
It thrives on the painful realisations that
You weren’t who you thought you were to them
And you weren’t ever going to be enough
All because you weren’t her
Heartbreak lingers
It follows you
Tainting everyone you touch
Poisoning your reality with bitterness
And guarding your heart with reservation
Heartbreak will make you want to give up
On people
On love
On life
It’ll bring out your darkest days
It’ll steal your hope and bury it
In insecurities
And bitterness.
It’ll fill that void with never-ending emptiness
A chasm of apathy, indifference, numbness
You’ll forget what it means to feel
To trust
To love
To believe in something magical
And you’ll convince yourself it doesn’t exist
That you’re destined to experience life of the lonely
You’ll regret ever having met them
You’ll hate them. Despise them. Resent them.
Give me my heart back, you’ll beg
Give me my time back, you’ll plead
Give me my innocence back, you’ll insist
Give me my hope back, you’ll wish
You’ll drive yourself crazy trying to understand
To figure out where you went wrong
To figure out why not you
To figure out what is so incessantly dysfunctional about you
You’ll blame yourself
You’ll internalise
Your future will appear glum
Happiness an unobtainable goal
Love an unrealistic fantasy
This nightmarish pain will consume you
Rip you apart, from the inside out
And it will destroy you
In the worst way possible
Because you are still alive
Heartbreak changes you
And not for the better
It brings out the worst in you
It destroys hope, abolishes optimism, and kills love
It’ll make you wish you never loved
Because love wounds
And love scars
And I’m still yet to find a love that heals.